Blade Runner Market Liberalism and Social Green Philosophy

Blade Runner makes a social green argument that all living things have inherent value, and that increased development, technology, and economic threaten the environment. Director Ridley Scott warns…

About Nicholas Trevino

I’m Nicholas Trevino a Junior Davidson College political science student studying Human trafficking, Environmental degradation and East-Asian Politics. I was born in Jacksonville Florida, but I have travelled to China, India, and Sri Lanka.

Erin Brockovich Movie Analysis

Whose Values Matter More? In 2000, Julia Roberts won an Academy Award for best actress in the film, Erin Brockovich. Roberts plays a young mother of three, struggling to keep a job and feed her children, while simultaneously proving to herself and others what she is capable of in a corporate setting. Brockovich is an […]

About Kate Meeks

Hi, my name is Kate Meeks and I'm a sophomore Anthropology major. I play field hockey for Davidson and am a member of FCA and Warner Hall Eating House.

Understanding the Environmental Values of Wall-E

In Pixar’s Wall-e, a small robot is left to clean up the world after humans pollute it to an unlivable state, forcing them to flee the planet in giant resort spaceships. This robot then discovers a plant growing… Read More

About Jack Owens

I am a member of the class of 2018 at Davidson College, majoring in educational studies and public policy. I am from just outside of Baltimore city in a small town called Hereford. I am very interested in environmental education and the relationship between schooling, communities, and environmental politics. Aside from political science I also have many interests in music and spend most of my free time writing and playing with various bands at Davidson College.

“Forget it, Jake. It’s Environmental Politics”

It really is unfortunate that I have to bring some sort of focus to this response. If left unchecked, I would be more than happy to write pages about Chinatown’s dark, neo-noir, brilliance. It effortlessly mixes Los Angeles’ faux elegance (à la Sunset Boulevard) with the burning revelation of its sultry, dark underbelly. Thousands of […]

About Matt Landini

Bachelor of Political Science at Davidson College. Aspiring law student. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio.

Stakeholder Analysis of the Characters in the Lorax


About Izman Suhail

My name is Izman Suhail and I was born in Male', the capital of the Maldives. I am currently a freshman at Davidson College leaning towards majoring in Political Science.

A Response to The Last Mountain

The documentary, The Last Mountain, offers a rich case in which environmental values can be examined – both in the way expressed values oppose and intersect each other. As the fight for Coal River Mountain’s future develops throughout the film, two obvious groups of…

About Chase Conrad

Hey! Thanks for checking out my profile. I am a sophomore political science major here at Davidson, but my studies here are much broader. Besides being an outdoor nut, I was motivated in this course by my curiosity in the ways identities, politics and environments intersect and inform each other. Cheers!

Film Response Paper

An Inconvenient Truth: A Knowledge Analysis Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth attempts to bridge a gap in knowledge. Gore defines the gap as a mismatch between public perception of climate change and the scientific realities of its causes and effects. Misconceptions about the climate change issue has prevented political change and kept everyday people from […]

About Patrick Spauster

I’m Patrick. I was born in New York City and grew up going to school in New England. I am a double major in Economics and Public Policy Studies at Davidson. In my spare time I like to play ultimate frisbee.

Knowledge Analysis of The Day After Tomorrow

Most people rely heavily on the news for the weather forecast but are unfazed when the weatherman’s predictions are false. Society believes in science to diagnose and cure diseases, but sees nature and climate change as unpredictable. However, the fact that the effects of global warming have shown a divergent climate trend has caused people […]

About Dara Ferguson

My name is Dara Ferguson, and I am currently a junior at Davidson College from Queens, New York. At Davidson, I am an Africana Studies and Political Science double major. The combinations of my majors allow me to look at Environmental Politics through a different analytical lens than most. My Africana Studies background pushes me to search for the systematic injustice in environmental politics. I like to research about how politics have historically disenfranchised people and how that second-class status affects the livelihood of individuals, as their environment. The Political Scientist in me likes to follow the formation of policies. I believe understanding the policy process is the first step to grasping politics. Environmental Politics is a sub-section of United States politics that focuses on the environment and the world we inhabit. Pairing my two fields of study together, I can view Environmental Politics as a systematic and political issue that disproportionately affects poor, minorities in the United States.

Narrative Analysis of THE PROMISED LAND (2012)

  An examination of movies such as The Promised Land reveals the narratives that shape the way audiences view issues represented in films. Directed by Gus Van Sant, The Promised Land (2012) follows energy company employees Steve Butler (Matt Damon) and Sue Thomason (Frances McDormand) as they attempt to convince the residents of a rural … Continue reading Narrative Analysis of THE PROMISED LAND (2012)

About Stephen Mershon

Originally from Waretown, New Jersey, I am currently an Environmental Studies major at Davidson College (Class of 2017). My environmental interests are mostly related to ecology and water quality. I am also interested in interdisciplinary connections between the natural sciences and the social sciences.

Avatar: An Institutional Analysis

The movie Avatar is a thrilling film about an ex-marine entering an alien planet called Pandora. A mineral resource company settles a base there and is mining a mineral called “unobtanium” which is said to go for 20 billion a kilo (Cameron 2009). Their…

About Leah Hubert

I'm Leah! I went to Wootton High School, Class of 2014. I'm a political science major and anthropology minor at Davidson College. I'm a proud member of the Davidson College Swimming and Diving women's team.
