Trump’s Solar Panel Tariff Impacts

  In 2015, one hundred and ninety-five heads of state singed the Paris Climate Agreement, effectively pledging to mitigate their impact on global warming by reducing fossil fuel consumption and shifting toward alternate forms of energy. Two years… Read More

About Artem Khrapko

I am an economics major at Davidson College and have an interest in pursuing environmental policy research and law.

Current Events Paper: Analyzing the Feasibility of U.S. Conservative Environmentalism

In June 2017, the Climate Leadership Council (CLC), a recently formed alliance of corporate giants, nonprofits, and high-profile conservatives pitched their plan for conservative environmentalism through a “Carbon Dividend Program.”  Two of its members, George P. Shultz and Lawrence H. Summers (2017), wrote an opinion piece for the Washington Post in which they expanded on […]

About Joe St. James Lopez

My name is Joe St. James, and I am a political science major with a particular interest in environmental policy and diverse issues of sustainable development. I am taking Dr. Bullock's Environmental Politics class so that I can further learn about these issues, as well as the roles that energy efficiency and renewable energy issues have had on politics.

Where to Store Nuclear Waste: Finland as an Example

Where to Store Nuclear Waste: Finland as an Example The New York Times published an article this week that discussed Finland’s recently approved plan to store its nuclear waste, and compared it to our own country’s past attempts to devise a storage plan. In…

Ohio Governor Candidate Plans to End Oil and Gas Drilling

Ohio Governor Candidate Plans to End Oil and Gas Drilling United States Environmental Politics and Policy, Dr. Bullock Oil fracking, the process of penetrating sedimentary rocks to unlock the gasses underneath, is a polarizing topic in environmental politics, and the dramatic Ohio Governor race is certainly proving this to be true. On January 25th, Democrat … » Learn More about Ohio Governor Candidate Plans to End Oil and Gas Drilling

Is the EPA doing enough to protect local communities?

When living in a community close to a landfill, most people would not be happy to find out that there has been waste from processing uranium dumped illegally in that landfill. Another blow would come from the fact that it was dumped in the ‘70s, and you are only now finding out about the waste […]

EPA Rollback of Air Pollution Regulation Shows the Power of the Ruling Elite

On January 25th, 2018 the Trump administration announced that it would be getting rid of the requirement for the EPA to classify sites as “major sources” of hazardous air pollution… Read More

Is the Solar Tariff Designed to Protect the Fossil Fuel Industry?

The sun is still shining and solar continues to be one of the fastest growing industries in the country. According to the National Solar Jobs Census, in less than a decade employment in the solar industry has increased approximately 178 percent (Rizzo, 2018). Despite this growth, last week Trump announced that he would be slapping […]

EPA’s Battle on Toxic Waste: A Rising Concern

Despite the growing controversies with the current administration over environmental politics, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has recently announced new commitments to the Superfund program to address toxic waste sites across the nation. Included in the list of sites is the West Lake Landfill in Bridgeton, Missouri, a location that’s been in the program since …

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Hypocrite! The Effect of Value Systems on Media Discourse

By Dodi Allocca On January 10th 2018, Mayor Bill de Blasio made two major climate announcements. He declared that New York City will divest “its $189 billion pension system from fossil fuel reserve owners within five years” and that the City will bring a lawsuit against five oil companies to protect from and cope with…

Bear Ears National Monument: A Values Analysis

Just prior to leaving office on December 28th, 2016, President Barack Obama established Bears Ears National Monument by citing the Antiquities Act. Many natives of the area, including the Navajo Nation, viewed this as a victory after years of cultural and environmental activism. However, one year later on December 4th, 2017, President Trump controversially reduced …

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About Olivia Stanley

My name is Olivia Stanley and I’m from Roanoke, Virginia. I’m an environmental studies and philosophy major in the class of 2020 at Davidson College. At Davidson, I am also a member of the varsity women’s swim team and Warner Hall. I’m especially interested in ecosystem conservation and sustainability and I hope to one day be involved in environmental law.
