Narrative Analysis of Erin Brockovich

The true story of Erin Brockovich was depicted in the self-titled movie released in 2000. The story is set in California in the 1990s. The film begins by introducing Brockovich (Julia Roberts) as a single mother with three children who is out of work. On the way out of an interview, her car is hit […]

About Sheila Nunez

I am a first-year student at Davidson College. I am from Wallace, North Carolina, which is a small town near the coast. I enjoy spending my time at the beach. I am currently undecided, but may potentially be a Psychology major and Communication Studies minor. I am interested in sustainability.

Focal Analysis of the Lorax

Dr. Seuss’s story of the Lorax is a fictional account of a young boy saving his town and world from a very dismal future.[i] The film is classified as a children’s movie, but that does not mean that adults should simply dismiss the story…

About Justin Garcia-Bunuel

My name is Justin Garcia-Bunuel, and I am a political science major at Davidson College. I grew up on the eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay in a lazy town called Cambridge, Maryland. Living right on the Choptank River, which feeds directly into the Chesapeake Bay, allowed me to see the what is really happening to the waterways of the United States. My family had a boat, and I quickly grew accustomed to the styrofoam cups, aluminum cans, candy wrappers, and countless other pieces of trash that gathered in the water around the harbor. So, when my family moved to Baltimore, it wasn’t that hard to get used to the amount of trash floating in the inner harbor either. Being so comfortable with that degree of pollution is disturbing, yet pollution surrounds us, so it’s hard not to get used to it. Living in close proximity to the Chesapeake Bay made the pollution of our waterways a very salient issue for me, but I have since become more aware of the countless other environmental issues facing the planet.

Film Response Paper – Promised Land

Bullock April 2016 Movie Response Paper- (Promised Land) The film “Promised Land” is a film about two salespeople from a natural gas company trying to buy drilling rights from the residents living in a small farming town in… Read More

About Lawrence King

My name is Lawrence King. I'm from Brooklyn, NY. I'm a Film and Media Studies major and communications minor. I'm currently a Freshman at Davidson College. I have a passion for film, music and learning.

Erin Brockovich: The Woman Behind Anderson, et al. v. Pacific Gas and Electric

     In glossing over the true story of consumer advocate, Erin Brockovich, and her role in the lawsuit, Anderson, et al. v. Pacific Gas and Electric, the award-winning film, Erin Brockovich, presents two overlapping narratives. The first is the personal narrative of Erin Brockovich’s desperation and ambition as a divorced, single mother trying to […]

About Livesey Pack

Livesey is a member of the Class of 2017 at Davidson College. She is majoring in Political Science, with a minor in French and Francophone Studies. She is particularly interested in urban sustainability, and in how built environments interact and co-exist with natural environments.

Film Response: Promised Land

The film Promised Land centers on the debate regarding fracking as salesman for a natural gas company, Steve Butler and partner Sue arrive in a small rural town, setting their sites on the area’s natural resources (Van Sant 2012). Antagonist Dustin Noble leads an environmental grassroots campaign, arriving in town around the same time with […]

About Allie Hale

I am a member of the Davidson College class of 2017 from Boston, MA. As a Political Science major with a passion for sustainability and environmental justice, I am interested in environmental policy. In my free time I enjoy photography and running.

“Chinatown” Response Paper

In this paper I am responding to the film Chinatown which was released in 1974 and stars Jack Nicholson and Faye Dunaway.[1] Chinatown is set in 1930’s Los Angeles during the peak of a devastating drought. The story follows a private investigator, J.J. Gittes…

About Ramsay Ritchie

I am a Davidson College Political Science major and Chinese Minor from San Francisco, CA. My interests at Davidson and beyond center on the positive change that institutions have the power to make through effective political process.

The 11th Hour: Narratives of Persuasion

Narrative Analysis of The 11th Hour             The 11th Hour is a 2007 environmental documentary film focused on the current “state of the earth,” narrated by Leonardo DiCaprio (11th Hour Film). The film touches on everything from ocean stagnation and the political roadblocks preventing change to opportunities for the future. In this paper, I will […]

About Rosalia Polanco

Rosalia Polanco is an Environmental Studies Major on a Social Science Track at Davidson College. She was raised in New York City, where she developed her interests in sustainability and environmental justice.

Interstellar: A Narrative Framework

Interstellar (2014) takes place in the year 2065 in eastern Colorado. More than half of the world’s population has died off due to famine, and America has become a dated, agrarian society. The climate is very similar to The Dust Bowl during The Great Depression, and the only surviving crop is corn. There is no … Continue reading Interstellar: A Narrative Framework

About Becca Ravitz

I am a Political Science Major and Communications Minor in the Davidson College Class of 2018. I am a goalkeeper on the Division I Woman's Soccer team and am a member of Warner Hall Eating House. I have an older brother and a younger sister, and am from Skillman, NJ.

Test Post

This is a test post

About Joe St. James Lopez

My name is Joe St. James, and I am a political science major with a particular interest in environmental policy and diverse issues of sustainable development. I am taking Dr. Bullock's Environmental Politics class so that I can further learn about these issues, as well as the roles that energy efficiency and renewable energy issues have had on politics.

Gender and Environmental Pollution in China

The Other Half is an independent Chinese film by Ying Liang. The film follows the narrative of Zeng Xiaofen who works as a legal clerk in the city of Zigong in China. The film presents a contemporary commentary on the status of women living in a major Chinese city in and the problems that they … Continue reading Gender and Environmental Pollution in China

About Antonia Giles

I am a student at Davidson College, class of 2016. I am a Political Science major with a minor in Environmental Studies. My academic interests are urban agriculture and food justice, environmental policy, and social entrepreneurship.
