Literature Review: Plastic Bags and Planning the Protection of our Seas

In 1915, the poet Margaret Postgate Cole wrote about brown leaves and a wind that “whirled them whistling to the sky” (Cole, 1915). Just less than a century later, the pop artist Katy Perry envisions another object caught in the wind. In her song, “Firework,” Perry croons, “do you ever feel like a plastic bag, […]

Literature Review: Plastic Bags and Planning the Protection of our Seas

In 1915, the poet Margaret Postgate Cole wrote about brown leaves and a wind that “whirled them whistling to the sky” (Cole, 1915). Just less than a century later, the pop artist Katy Perry envisions another object caught in the wind. In her song,…

Current Events Paper: Analyzing the Feasibility of U.S. Conservative Environmentalism

In June 2017, the Climate Leadership Council (CLC), a recently formed alliance of corporate giants, nonprofits, and high-profile conservatives pitched their plan for conservative environmentalism through a “Carbon Dividend Program.”  Two of its members, George P. Shultz and Lawrence H. Summers (2017), wrote an opinion piece for the Washington Post in which they expanded on […]

About Joe St. James Lopez

My name is Joe St. James, and I am a political science major with a particular interest in environmental policy and diverse issues of sustainable development. I am taking Dr. Bullock's Environmental Politics class so that I can further learn about these issues, as well as the roles that energy efficiency and renewable energy issues have had on politics.

Where to Store Nuclear Waste: Finland as an Example

Where to Store Nuclear Waste: Finland as an Example The New York Times published an article this week that discussed Finland’s recently approved plan to store its nuclear waste, and compared it to our own country’s past attempts to devise a storage plan. In…

Test Post

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About Me

My name is Janelle  Dadul and I am an environmental studies major at Davidson College. I am originally from Maywood, NJ but currently live in Greensboro, NC. Growing up my parents made sure I had experiences in nature that started an appreciation from a young age. In high school I took classes about biology and […]

A Clash of Values: Examining the Sagebrush Rebellion

A Clash of Values: Examining the Sagebrush Rebellion US Environmental Politics & Policy, Dr. Bullock The Sagebrush Rebellion of the late 1770s and early 1780s, the culmination of the frustration shared by many western land-owners, perfectly represents the variance in political opinion in regard to the environment between so-called environmentalists and their conservative counterparts. Although … » Learn More about A Clash of Values: Examining the Sagebrush Rebellion

Ohio Governor Candidate Plans to End Oil and Gas Drilling

Ohio Governor Candidate Plans to End Oil and Gas Drilling United States Environmental Politics and Policy, Dr. Bullock Oil fracking, the process of penetrating sedimentary rocks to unlock the gasses underneath, is a polarizing topic in environmental politics, and the dramatic Ohio Governor race is certainly proving this to be true. On January 25th, Democrat … » Learn More about Ohio Governor Candidate Plans to End Oil and Gas Drilling

About Me: Ned Morrissett

My name is Ned Morrissett, and I’m an economics major and environmental studies minor at Davidson college. I grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina, and I play soccer here at Davidson. My interest in environmental politics got its roots in my love for the outdoors, and my desire to do what I can to protect … » Learn More about About Me: Ned Morrissett

Wildfire Disaster Planning and Management

Memorandum To: Senator Richard Burr   From: Subject: Wildfire Disaster Planning and Management Date: March 23rd, 2018 Reorganization of Federal Support Necessary for Proper Wildfire Mitigation The United States Department of agriculture recently announced that wildfire suppression costs exceeded $2 billion in 2017, making it the most expensive year in history (Forest Service Wildland). Wildfire … » Learn More about Wildfire Disaster Planning and Management
