Should Pollution Take Priority?

A recent study has shown the leading cause of death in developing countries in not malaria, AIDS, or even Ebola as recent news sources may have suggested. Instead, the responsible party for one out of every seven deaths worldwide is pollution: nearly 8.9 million deaths annually (Petru 2015). According to the same report, developing countries … Continue reading Should Pollution Take Priority?

About Rebecca Johnson

Becky Johnson is a junior environmental studies major, social science track, at Davidson College. Her passion for the environment and sustainability stems from growing up in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains and near the Shenandoah National Park in Charlottesville, VA.


Welcome to the Theory to Change site for POL 228 (US Environmental Politics and Policy) and POL 398 (Global Environmental Politics, formerly known as Environmental Politics), two undegraduate courses at Davidson College that are jointly offered by the… Read More

About Graham Bullock

I am an Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies and Political Science at Davidson College, and teach courses in American politics, environmental politics, and environmental social sciences.
